Bettina Elsner Artistic Tiles Largo, Florida
for being voted as the #1 Hand Painted Tile Artist on the Web for 2003 by the visitors to Handpaintedtiles.org.
Bettina Elsner Artistic Tiles offers over 30 years experience in hand painting tile to order. Bettina Elsner Artistic Tiles can provide anything from antique reproductions to original creations, from tile murals to kitchen backsplash, from floor to wall and much more...
This Artist is very established “Since 1970” and her works have been “Featured in many Publications on and about Hand Painted Tiles”. The Diversity of this Artists Talent and Styles is truly amazing. This is represented well on the Artists Site which is very large and offers a generous sampling of the Artists Portfolio. Bettina Elsner Artistic Tiles, a very deserving #1 Hand Painted Tile Artist.
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